Scrolling Property
For dataSheets and pickLists and dataSheets: set the {horizontal | vertical} scrolling
of <dataSheet | pickList | dataSheet> to <boolean>
For fields:
set the scrolling of <field> to <boolean> Applies to datasheets, fields, pickLists
The scrolling property determines whether the horizontal or vertical scrollbar of a dataSheet or pickList or dataSheet, or the vertical scrollbar of a field is visible.
For pickLists and dataSheets, the default value for horizontal scrolling is false and the default value for vertical scrolling is true.
For fields, the default value for scrolling is false. _______________________________________ Examples:
The following are valid uses of the scrolling property:
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.